Mix Tape

Every class should tell a story — and have a soundtrack. Your suggestions for songs to add to our "mix tape" are welcome.

Deltron 3030 - Upgrade (A Baymar College Course)

This album is one of my favorites and many of the songs could be a part of the mixtape for this course (it all takes place in the year 3030) but I thought "Upgrade (A Baymar College Course)" was the most obvious, especially since we were just talking about upgrading our brains!

The entire album is available on YouTube and here is the wiki about it if you'd like to know more.

— Brooks

Peter Gabriel - The Tower That Ate People

Our symbiotic relationship with technology in one heavily distorted song that doesn't sound much like Peter Gabriel at all.

tell it like it is/'til there's no misunderstanding/when you strip it right back/man feed machine, machine feed man

VNV Nation — Carbon

A track for those "dark!Jim" days when we're all feeling particularly sardonic about the doom we seem to be bringing on our own heads.

and in a thousand years what will be our legacy — a million lights that no one could see?

VNV Nation — The Farthest Star

And one more in a somewhat more hopeful vein:

we possess the power/if this should start to fall apart/to mend divides, to change the world, to reach the farthest star

Anyway, I've got way too many futurepop and industrial jams and will add a couple more through the semester — stay tuned.

— Erika